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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Remember our fore Fathers, Brothers, and Sons, and Daughters.

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month
Remembrance Day has a special meaning for all of us. Throughout our history,  family members, friends and relatives have sacrificed their lives defending our country, our way of life, so that we can enjoy the freedom that our forefathers had envisioned for this great nation.

Remembrance Day gives us the opportunity to realize the sacrifice our brave men and women have made in the past and the contribution of our troops who place themselves in harm’s way each and every day to preserve our individual rights and freedom.

Please take a moment to remember those Canadians, thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives in military service.  For the Canadian soldiers who fought in the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, the Afghanistan conflict and peacekeeping missions.

I’ve learned a lot from those who have served in the military, especially love of country, discipline and most importantly Esprit d'corp.  I hope you'll take a moment on Remembrance Day to remember our troops… especially our extended Patient Community with family members who have given so much, and continue to serve our Great Country.

This Remembrance Day, wear your poppy proud and support our fellow Canadians.  Remember, all poppy donations go towards helping ex-servicemen and women to buy food, and obtain shelter and medical attention.  Do your part!

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